

Aids & Hepatitis Digest

AIDS & Hepatitis Digest is a topical and comprehensive update which addresses key issues of interest to individuals working in the fields of health promotion, education and occupational health, clinical and research workers and those caring for and counselling people with HIV, AIDS and viral hepatitis. It is published bimonthly by CCM Group.

Experts in the UK and abroad provide comprehensive articles on a wide range of subjects including:

  • New research and treatment strategies
  • Epidemiology
  • Occupational health and infection control
  • Counselling
  • Ethical and legal issues
  • Preventive measures
  • Testing policies
  • Health education


With six issues a year, the Digest is ideally positioned to report and comment on events and developments as they occur, with a UK and international outlook. Regular contributions include: original commissioned articles from experts on diverse, key topics that aim to communicate practical examples, and highlight and disseminate best practices, latest statistics on HIV and viral hepatitis infections, case studies, information about conferences and courses, book reviews, relevant websites, a ‘Letter from America’ and other international news items. Unsolicited contributions are always considered.

Contact us today to find out how your company can benefit!

In the UK, contact Kim Kubicek

In the Middle East, contact Hicham Cherfan

In Greece, contact Maher Cherfan or Julia Kowalski

In Turkey, contact George Cherfan

In Morocco, contact Maher Cherfan