

Diagnostic & Market Expansion Tools

Helping doctors enhance their practice... we call it Beneficial Branding.

CCM has the industry experience to design and develop one-of-a-kind calculators, rulers and other diagnostic tools targeting specific areas of medicine. Our medical calculators and rulers:

  • are created from proven algorithms and other scientific data
  • help to facilitate meaningful interactions between the patient and physician
  • enhance the physician’s ability to measure and predict

Medical calculators and diagnostic rulers are specifically designed to support the physician by presenting results easily, without the need for complex formulas and calculations. These tools provide insightful data quickly and intuitively through a convenient, practical device. In addition, they aid in patient diagnosis, helping to expand your market by easily identifying underdiagnosed populations.

The Benefits:

  • Easy to use and understand
  • Accurately compute risks, scores, symptoms or dosing within the examination room  
  • Save time and effort before exposing a patient to additional costly diagnostic tests
  • Most are pocket-sized and can be kept on the desktop of the exam room    
  • Product branding is incorporated into the design
  • Guidelines, basic standards, and results information can be printed onto the device  


Our diagnostic tools can be used branded or unbranded and are completely customizable. Choose from our list of developed tools, or ask us to custom create a ruler or calculator based on any established scientific algorithm or measurement.

Samples of available tools:

  • Heart Rate Ruler
  • Interpupilary  Distance Measure Ruler
  • Orthopedic Ruler
  • Pain Evaluation Ruler
  • Ophthalmology Ruler
  • Protractor
  • ECG Ruler
  • EKG Meter
  • Gestational Age Calculator
  • BSA Calculator
  • ERG Calculator
  • ... and many more

Samples of available calculators:

  • Apache II Score
  • Assessment Calculator Series
  • BMI / Disease Risk
  • Body Mass Index
  • Body Surface Area
  • Breast Cancer
  • Carboplatin
  • Clinical Unit Converter
  • CHD/CVD Risk (Framingham)
  • CHD/CVD Risk (ATP II)
  • CHD/CVD (others)
  • Cholesterol (LDL)
  • Creatinine Clearance
  • Dermitits
  • Diabetic Risk
  • Dosage
  • Dosage (special)
  • Euro Score
  • GFR - Renal Disease
  • GRACE Score
  • Gynaecology
  • HbA1c Converter
  • Ideal Weight
  • Liver Disease
  • Metabolism
  • Neurology - EDSS
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pediatricians
  • Psoriasis - PASI/SPASI
  • Prostate Risk - IPSS
  • Pulmonary Functions
  • Rheumatism
  • Sexual Ability Evaluator
  • Stroke Risk
  • Target Heart Rate (THR)
  • Testosterone Level
  • Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
  • Daily Calorie Counter
  • Calorie Counter
  • Nutrition / Calorie


To see samples of our work, click one of these links: HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS  |  MEDICAL EDUCATION  |  DIAGNOSTICS & MARKET EXPANSION  |  PREMIUM

Contact us today to find out how your company can benefit!

In the UK, contact Kim Kubicek

In the Middle East, contact Hicham Cherfan

In Greece, contact Maher Cherfan or Julia Kowalski

In Turkey, contact George Cherfan

In Morocco, contact Maher Cherfan